Welcome to Kailash Women's College

Best Practices

Best practices are those which add value to human life and support the main cause of an institution. It helps in development of an institution - a source/ means to perform social responsibility. It can change the life of whole institution as well as individual stake holders. Colleges undertake different types of best practices as per their institutional environment, try to bring about innovations and new ideas. Traditional system of teaching-learning and college as the place meant only to cater knowledge has been altered drastically; it is now, hailed as the centre for many activities - socio economic, political and cultural reformations. Best practices are the agents of change for a particular educational institution and society as well.

Best Practice - I - Empowering Women
Empowering Women

Students of the present scenario need skills for a variety of reasons, both personal and professional.  Skills are essential for living a happy and successful life. Skills can also help us to be more creative, resourceful and independent. They can also help us to connect with others and build relationships. Here are a few of the most important reasons:

  • To be productive and efficient.
  • To be adaptable and versatile.
  • To be competitive in the job market
  • To be confident and self-assured.
  • To live a fulfilling life
  • To be creative and innovative 
  • To connect with others
  • To make a difference in the world
  • To learn and grow
  • To increase employability and career advancement
  • Enhanced sense of accomplishment and self-confidence

Developing new skills is a great way to keep the minds sharp and engaged. It can also help students stay ahead of the curve in the respective field. Learning new skills is a great way to challenge oneself and grow as a person. It can help every Kailashian discover new talents and abilities that they never knew they had.

Best Practice - II - Studentcracy (Student + Democracy)

Studentcracy is crucial in colleges for several reasons, impacting both individual students and the institution as a whole. Here's why:

1. Fosters active citizenship and civic engagement:

  • College is a prime time for developing critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills, all of which are essential for active citizenship.
  • Engaging in student government, clubs, and other democratic processes allows students to practice these skills in a safe and supportive environment.
  • This prepares them to be informed and engaged citizens who can contribute meaningfully to their communities after graduation.

2. Promotes a sense of ownership and belonging:

  • When students have a say in decisions that affect their college experience, they feel more invested in their education and the institution as a whole.
  • This sense of ownership can lead to increased student engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty.
  • A democratic college environment fosters a sense of community and belonging, which is especially important for students away from home for the first time.

3. Improves decision-making and accountability:

  • Student input can provide valuable insights that administrators and faculty may not have considered.
  • This can lead to more informed and effective decisions about everything from academic policies to campus facilities.
  • Student governments can also hold administrators accountable for their actions, ensuring that the needs of students are being met.

4. Provides a platform for student voices to be heard:

  • College can be a time of great change and upheaval for students.
  • Student governments and other democratic structures provide a platform for students to express their concerns and advocate for change.
  • This can help to ensure that the needs of all students are heard and addressed, regardless of their background or identity.

5. Encourages critical thinking and debate:

  • Democratic processes encourage students to think critically about the issues that matter to them.
  • They learn to engage in respectful debate and compromise, which are essential skills for success in any field.
  • This exposure to diverse viewpoints can help students to develop a more nuanced understanding of the world around them.

Overall, student democracy is not just about giving students a voice; it's about preparing them to be responsible and engaged citizens in a democratic society. By providing students with opportunities to participate in decision-making, colleges can help to create a more vibrant and inclusive learning environment for all.

Student democracy plays a crucial role in colleges and universities for several reasons:

1. Fosters a sense of ownership and belonging: When students have a say in how their college operates, they feel more invested in its success and well-being. This sense of ownership can lead to increased engagement in campus life, higher academic achievement, and a stronger sense of community.

2. Develops critical thinking and civic skills: Participating in student government and other democratic processes teaches students valuable skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration. These skills are essential for success in both academic and professional life, and they also prepare students to be active and engaged citizens.

3. Provides a platform for student voices to be heard: Student democracy ensures that students have a voice in decisions that affect their lives, such as academic policies, campus facilities, and student services. This can help to ensure that the needs and concerns of students are heard and addressed by the administration.

4. Promotes social justice and equity: Student democracy can be a powerful tool for promoting social justice and equity on campus. By advocating for the rights of all students, regardless of their background or identity, student governments can help to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone.

5. Prepares students for future leadership roles: Participating in student government and other democratic processes can give students valuable experience in leadership and decision-making. This experience can be helpful in preparing students for future leadership roles in their communities and careers.